Baker Creative Productions can create music videos, as well as photo montages for any event. Our professional videographers can shoot the video for the montage, or you can provide us with existing video and photos. We'll work with you to determine the look and feel of the music video or montage. Some examples of what we can do:
- Music Videos - we currently have one of our music videos playing in Africa. We can do music videos to promote bands or new artists.
- Montage videos of weddings - visit ourWeddings (link) page for more details.
- Montages of the bride and groom - for the engagement party or wedding. We'll interview the bride and groom about how they met, when they knew he/she was "the one", and can include pictures from childhood. Visit our Weddings (link) page for more details.
- Montage videos for anniversaries - our anniversary montages can start out when the couple first met, include highlights through the years, and bring your guests up to the current day. These are great to show at anniversary parties.
- Montage video for funerals - funerals are a time to celebrate a person's life. We can help you do that with a tasteful video montage of their life.
- Sports highlights montages - perfect for the budding athlete to include with an athletic scholarship application.
- Professional montages to include with resumes - for actors, singers and other performers.
Sample Montage Video
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Baker Creative Productions is a professional videography service located in Washington County, Maryland. Our professional videographers have the experience and production equipment to serve all of your video production and audio production needs including music videos, montages, sports game highlights, and professional resume videos. We extend our event videography services to Maryland residents in the areas of Hagerstown, Baltimore, and Washington DC. We also serve customers surrounding the regions of Winchester, Virginia and Carlisle, Pennsylvania.