Additional Options
Interview with the Bride & Groom
Imagine sitting down on your anniversary and watching an interview on your wedding video which describes the defining moments which led up to your wedding day. Our wedding videographers capture the responses to such questions like, "How did you meet?," "When did you know they were the one?," "How did he propose?" and more...
Interviews with the wedding guests/well wishes station
Our wedding videographers will set up a camera station and record your friends and family giving their congratulations and well wishes.
NEW! Bridal Party Reality Cam
Our wedding videographers will give your Bridal Party a portable camera and let you have fun capturing footage from your point of view!
Wedding Highlights Montage
A wedding video montage will capture all of the beautiful highlights of your big day, set to music.
Photo Montage
A wedding photo montage can include up to 50 images set to music. (Images must be provided in digital format.) All the highlights of your big day beautifully compiled and set to music.